


Twitter: @OneAMMedia

Want to contribute to One AM Media? Fill out the questions below and send us an email!

City, State:
Why do you want to contribute to One AM Media?
What do you have to offer?
What role would you like to take (photos, interviews, reviews, all)?
What are your current/future plans?
Any previous experience in the area?
What genres of music do you listen to. Who are your favorite bands?
How often do you attend concerts?
If you have had previous experience, please include a link to your photography or interviews.
If you do not have any previous experience, please attach an album review to your email. You can choose any album to review. We just need a sample of your writing.

**We are currently looking for contributors from the West and South West, preferably 20yrs +. If you are from any other area, feel free to shoot an email our way.**